Let's have a little fun. Up for grabs is a brilliant book. I have a spare copy of Better Home and Garden's book Trade Secrets. (subtitle is Insider Advice on Creating Your Own Personal Style). In it are stylists, shopkeeps and designers offering eye candy and words of wisdom. You will love it.
I had read months ago about the Austin shop Uncommon Objects being featured in this book. I am very fond of D'ette Cole's (the owner's) style so I promptly ordered the book. Next day I forgot that I had the book in the mail and promptly ordered it again. (I don't think I have alzheimer's - it's more a matter of too much stress. )
I am working on improving and simplifying my life. I am also working on being more creative.
Anyway back to what we were discussing - our giveaway. It's a fantastic book - I can give it a definite thumbs up. What do you need to do to qualify? Easy - Blog about Vie Chaotique. On your blog mention that we are having this giveaway. Please link back to my blog. You can comment here only after you have written your entry on your blog - and believe me, I am going to doublecheck!
I will pull one lucky name from the comments I receive here from a hat on St Patrick's Day 2008 at 5:00 PM EST. Thanks. Best of Luck to you! Contest only open to residents in the continental USA. All other legal mumbo jumbo applies.
This is one book I don't have! I am not sure how I missed it but would love to be the winner! Thanks for the invite, Alys
Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know your giveaway is my post for the day. I also hope it's okay with you that I shared your recent post about shopping local merchants. I could never have said it as eloquently as you did.
Lisa & Alfie
Hello there,
I hope this goes through. I posted about your giveaway and your post about shopping locally. You said it so eloquently.
Lisa & Alfie
I loved your recipe for beer margaritas. Having a hard time making the link work on my blog, will have my daughter help with it tonight as she is a computer nerd.
thank you
I thought surely I'd entered, but apparently my post is "Loooosst in Cyber Spaaaaace"@ lol I would love to win your treat! xoxo
Thanks everyone for playing. We have our winner.
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