I did not write earlier about SATC because everyone else is.
I do want you to know that as a long time fan I was at the 10:00 AM showing of the morning the movie came out.
While I loved the clothes and the scenery and the girls and all of it, I was actually disappointed in Carrie. Warning: if you have not seen the movie yet here's a plot buster: I personally feel that she should not have married Big.
I also went thru a long 10 year courtship with all it's ups and downs but when we finally went to do it, my husband was the happiest guy in the world. No cold feet. A man of experience and the world like Big there are no cold feet to be had by that point, no ifs ands or buts. I know the point of the movie was that their love conquered all, but, I honestly felt robbed of the big wedding they richly deserved and all the pomp. Especially with the state of the world today, we deserved a gorgeous, over the top, decadent, economy be darned, big honking, optimistic extravanganza to end all time! If you don't agree, let me know.
Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed the film like most redblooded females. I even shed a few tears for Steve and Miranda on the bridge. But end of the day for me the high points of the movie were this bag and the Westwood dress bird and all.
Last night a friend mentioned that there was a new Audrey Tatou movie "Priceless". I hadn't heard of it. So I read some reviews. It had been panned. And the movie poster left me flat. But as an Audrey fan and Francophile, I rushed out anyway to the art house. The critics are wrong.
This movie captured for me the emotion that I had expected from SATC. It is "Breakfast at Tiffany's" for the year 2008. Even though much of what the main characters do is beyond contempt, they are just so darn charming that you love them, warts and all. At least I did. I won't spoil the show for you. Please go see it and let me know what you think.
ohh great tip! I HAVE to see that movie. I liked STC but the S-e-x on the big screen was a lot more intense than on the little. lol. GREAT clothes!
It looks like a great movie for me to go see with my girls! Thanks for the tip....
xo Lidy
Hi there,
Oh, this movie sounds like it is right up my alley.
Can't wait.
I will have to go see that... I loved her in Amelie... Breakfast at Tiffany one of my FAVORITE movies... thanks for the heads... ooooh, yes... I love Paris!
Thanks for the movie tip! I have Breakfast at Tiffanys, so I will probably love this one.
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